Trust the Word that Picks You

Scramble of potential words for Word of the Year

To hell with New Year’s you make Resolutions that don’t always stick! Why not try something different? Pick a Word. One simple word that’s easy to remember. One that helps you be who you want to be. You could even go one step further…trust the Word that picks you!

Word of the Year? What’s that?

While research will tell you that the percent of people failing at New Year’s resolution is 45% (or whatever, does it really matter?), and there’s a growing trend for simplifying, I am here to say – try this. Find one word, and use it as your focus point all year.

Having a Word of the Year easy enough, and it could possibly help you grow into the person you want to be. Or at least remind you to try adventures more! I wrote about Word of the Year last year (“Why Pick a Word for the Year?” ). I picked “Knowing” – as in trusting my intuition and “knowing” everything will be all right. With all the changes (selling my house, moving cross country etc) and self-doubts (more commonly known with entrepreneurs as ‘imposter syndrome’) – going back to this word gave me the confidence to keep moving forward.

2019 word of the year: Knowing

So many words

There are so many words you could use. Which one to pick? Find one that has the most meaning to you. Clear, simple and focused. Stay focused on the positive and a concept which you feel will help you grow as a person, as your authentic self. I found one website that lists out words for you to use. This may help. However, I found it too much like someone telling me what to feel. I’d rather find a dictionary and open it randomly than have someone else tell me what to do all year.

Intentional positivity. This is a moment for you to take a deep look at yourself and check out your characteristics. Not a time to beat yourself up, but a true reflection. How do you feel right now? How do you want to feel a year from now? Find a word that can guide you that way, instead of relying on specific actions you may (or may not) take.

Need a little help? Make a list of gratitudes. As you write them, say out loud “I am grateful for XXX” and then say why. Be specific. Being more aware of your feelings helps you see things in a new way. It can even point out what you want more of in your life.

Don’t Panic

Admittedly, I tried picking a word over five years ago. Within a month I forgot. I didn’t try again until three years ago. This time I picked one, with the intention to remember. I made a pretty instagram post. Publicly stating it, plus a place I could go back and see it when I was being forgetful. If half way through the year you realize you have no clue which word you chose in January…don’t panic! Pick a new one. If it means enough to you, it will be your guiding star.

Have a word pick you?

Having a word pick you can be trickier, since it’s not a thing you can force. You have to be in an emotional space to allow it to show up. How do you want to feel? Start there. Trust the process. Trust the word that picks you!

In 2018 I wanted to feel more disciplined in my writing. I wanted to feel the satisfaction of connecting with you, my tribe, regularly. I picked “consistent” (and it’s iterations) to remind me to write a blog or email you every week.

In 2019 I wanted to trust my instincts, my intuition, even more than before. It’s a form of self-confidence, of self-reassurance. It’s even a way to step into my power (as they say). For me, the word “knowing” fit the bill.

Your Turn

Here are a few ways to assist you to be in a mode to “hear” your word pick you.

  • Meditate – whether sitting, yoga, running or whatever gets you to that non-ego place.
  • Think deeply quickly. Don’t allow the shallow “would/could/should” get in the way
  • Take a deep breath and put your hand over your heart
  • Do a 5X55 exercise asking for a word to show up
  • Or whatever you do that gets you out of your head and into your heart

Usually, when a word pops into your head, and you feel yourself light up – that’s a word picking you! Don’t overthink it. If that word feels right, hold onto it. If it still feels right after a week – keep going with it! Remember – trust the word that picks YOU!


Poster featuring the Word of the Year that picked me - Zany

This year, a Word picked me. My nephew sent me a link to an event he thought we would enjoy. The next day I saw the poster advertising the speaker panel for the Merry Pranksters in a local Starbucks. ‘Zany’ jumped at me. I just knew it was going to be a word to consider (see “know” being part of my 2019 Word!) I held onto the word for a week. We went to the event. One of the panelists name is Zane. The crazy, wild colors of his outfit and his prankster sense of humor sealed the deal for ‘Zany’ being MY word for 2020.

Zany has it’s own dictionary definition, I’m sure. I didn’t look it up. The more important part (and remember this for you too) is what it means to me. I want my year to be “zany” as in I promise to put myself out there in a much more colorful and powerful way. I promise to make 100 mistakes, to fail 100 times. To try 100 new things, or new ways of doing things. Zany means to move out of my comfort zone, to the edge of where I feel safe. And to do all this with laughter. Either way, I win.


Are you ready? Pick your word. Allow a Word to pick you. State it publicly by posting it in the comments below:

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