The allure of pirate tales often centers around hidden treasures, daring exploits, and legendary figures. Yet, the...
Take yourself on Adventures, big or small.
Why not start with Wednesdays?
Welcome to Adventure Wednesdays Blogs
Promise: We will learn how to play and have fun in life.
How? By committing to taking ourselves out on adventures…no exotic travel required.
Start as Stacey did, with committing to one day a week to allow your curiosity take over. To try new things. To try familiar things differently. To wonder what fun will show up.
In these posts you will find all kinds of inspirations! Stacey shares with you adventures she’s had – including Burning Man, following a passion for chocolate, nomad life ( including tiny houses and vintage airstreams/trailers) among all the other things she’s tried. Guest bloggers share their transformative stories.
All the blogs are geared toward guiding you on the many ways you could explore to let go of what limits you -and to uncover your inner, playful self.
All this, without once suggesting you need to ditch where you are and go on some epic trip to Mt Everest, backpack Nepal, row across the ocean or even travel foreign countries. Discover adventure as an attitude, not a lattitude!
Vivienne says
Adventure Wednesdays stories are fun, uplifting and authentic – all with the aim to inspire you to learn, grow and try new ways to enjoy life. You are a real hero of mine, even if my editor made me call you a heroine.
How did Adventure Wednesdays start?
Years ago, I hit a rock bottom in my life. My marriage had fallen apart, and I entangled myself in other disastrous relationships. Everything in life felt so hard. I reached that point where I knew I needed to change. I was “sick of feeling sick & tired of life” and started my path out of my darkness. At a certain point of the journey, I attended an event with a channeler. Her advice changed my life.
“Take yourself on Adventures.” My immediate inner thought? “No way! I have too many responsibilities to escape on some epic travel to find a guru in a mountain.” Fortunately I didn’t have to go on an epic travel adventure. I could start right where I was. “
The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.” (Lao Tzu). My first step, my first adventure, was committing to exploring what I find fun. I chose Wednesdays as that was the night I didn’t have my then-young children (they’d be at their dad’s house).
Fast forward a few years of having adventures on Wednesdays, and I met my Adventure Partner (yes, while out having fun exploring something new to me). He gifted me the URL so I could share my stories with you.
My mission with sharing stories isn’t to impress you, it’s to inspire you. If I can do this, so can you!
Favorite Posts
Dog Tales, an Unleashed Collection of True Stories
Dog Tales, An Unleashed Collection of True Stories is a collection of 33 stories about dogs and their humans. One of those stories is mine! My essay is called "Dog Is My Co-Pilot" and is about a doodle-doodle who came into my family's life at an important time....
What is your Play Personality?
Adventure is an Attitude, and Play is a state of mind. It’s how you look at life rather than an activity. Adventure Wednesdays started because I wanted to discover, for myself, what I found fun. While researching activities that I enjoyed, I discovered a whole new...
Life’s An Adventure. Adventure is Life? The Definition of Adventure
What's the definition of adventure? What's my definition of adventure? These are questions I asked myself when I decided that part of my work's mission is to redefine the word's meaning. After discovering answers to these questions, the next step was...
Love, Adventure Style
“We all just want to be loved!” That phrase was hurled at me by a guy I was trying to break it off with during my messy, dark co-dependent times. He meant it as an insult, a way of putting me down and make it seem as if my feelings- and me- weren’t “enough.” I...
Lisa says
Adventure Wednesdays turns the ordinary into something new through curiosity, play and open-heartedness. You will learn and grow and have fun with Stacey as your adventure guide. She is “I Wonder” personified.
You need an Adventure Mindset Mentor!
Turn words and thoughts into Action! Let me be your guide to creating a path to a life filled with adventure by discovering your authentic, playful self. You deserve it!
With over 10+ years of having adventures (starting on Wednesdays and expanding far beyond), and having experienced many different modalities for uncovering what limits inner joy - I have what it takes to help you shift your outlook too!