Start your Adventure Mindset
journey here!
From dipping your toes in the water,
to going whole hog!

Start your Adventure Mindset
journey here!
From dipping your toes in the water,
to going whole hog!

No matter where you are in exploring an adventurous outlook on life, there’s treasure here for you!
Where are you in life? Maybe you just want to make a statement with a t-shirt that you’re on an adventure. Or maybe taking a class to try something new, or try familiar things in new ways. Or maybe you’re ready to step up to exploring your sense of adventure. Quite possibly, you want to make the leap and have me guide you to flipping your mindset from life is hard to life is fun.
Where-ever you are, there’s something for you!

Chocolate Pairing Adventure Series
Discover a familiar treat in new ways! Open your curiosity and learn more about chocolate. Mmmm, chocolate. Now imagine it paired with other familiar beverages – wine, beer, tequila, scotch/bourbon/whiskey, and coffee!
The first in the series starts in September. Each month after (ending in January) will be a new pairing. Sign up for one, or sign up for all 5!
The goal of these adventures is to explore 1+1=3 (what it means, and find yours)!

Express your Adventure attitude with these custom designed tees
Show off you are an Adventurer with these inspired tees! (Page still under construction!)

Adventure Wednesdays blogs
Want to be inspired to create your life filled with play, fun and every day adventure? Check out these stories by Stacey or other guest posts. Covering a wide range of topics to pique your curiosity!

Find Your Fun – a 20 day program to explore what you find fun
Several times a year Stacey offers her action-packed “Find Your Fun” 20 day program. It’s designed to get the ball rolling to inspire you to rediscover what you find fun & bring play back into your days. Click the button to learn more and get on the list for upcoming dates.

The 7th Sense, a Sense of Adventure (a 7 week course)
Ready to up your game and explore your 7th sense? The Sense of Adventure? In this seven week program you will become a part of a community, meet weekly via zoom, participate in the group with showing how you are meeting the challenges and play assignments. Bonuses include guest speakers and one-on-one Adventure Mindset Sessions with Stacey

1:1 Adventure Mindsest Mentoring with Stacey
You are ready to go for it! You’ve done some self-awareness and want to go to the next level. This is not a typical life-coach-for-helpless-women situation. Stacey offers you a six-month (minimum) one-on-one mentorship to guide you to your path for fun, play and adventure!

Private Facebook Group: Adventure Wednesdays Explorer Group
Join this private community of like-minded women looking for how to add adventure into their daily lives. Includes weekly adventure ideas, inspirational quotes and insider tips!

Free eBook Finding Fun: The Play Book to Move From ‘Woe is Me’ to ‘WOW is Me’ – in 10 Liberating Steps
This interactive play book will get you started on your journey to rediscovering tenets for shifting your outlook from ‘life is hard’ to ‘life is fun’. These principles are based on solid psychology, and have guided Stacey from not knowing what she enjoyed in life to having every day filled with some kind of adventure.
Lisa recommends all the options:
I didn’t know how to have fun. After years of working and always being serious and giving everything for others, I didn’t know what I liked to do for myself or what fun was. Stacey helped me realize fun and adventure is important for a happy life and most importantly that I am worth it. I learned valuable information on how to find my Adventures and to change my mindset on so many things that held me back. I highly recommend Stacey’s coaching, content and courses. She really helped me find fun again.