Make your every day an Adventure...
…no exotic travel needed
Adventure is not outside, it’s within you
Are you ready to take steps out of your comfort zone to change? To explore making life fun, instead of hard?
You are in the right place if you:
Have been slogging through life, doing what you’re supposed to (and maybe have been successful) and you yearn for something more. But are too responsible to ditch it all and escape on an exotic back-packing trip to find a guru in the mountains.
You feel like the routine of life has you stuck.
Feel like play is for kids, yet you yearn for the joy you felt as a kid.
These words describe you now: midlife woman; lacking in confidence; put others first; I’ll be happy if (insert X, Y or Z); you have a bucket list but no idea how any of it could ever happen. Anxiety is common, and you worry about doing things out of your comfort zone. You want others to make you happy. It stings when people describe you as too serious. Maybe you are like I was – feeling like I didn’t deserve inner joy.
These are the words you want to use to describe yourself: adventurous, spontaneous, joyous, energetic (at least well rested), glowing, fun-filled, fulfilled, passionate, playful, magical, confident, soul-satisfied, worthy, adored, interesting and interested, curious, independent, following your dreams.
Welcome to Adventure Wednesdays – where you are encouraged to try new things, try familiar things differently, and move out of your comfort zone at your pace. Come, be inspired!
Rediscover how to play and have fun again – you deserve it

Hello there! I’m Stacey, your Adventure Mindset Mentor.
I believe the road to happiness is by seeing life as an adventure. Not escapist travel or extreme sports, but using the elements of risk, going outside your comfort zone and doing things differently to shift your inner perspective. Happiness isn’t a destination, but an inner journey. The road is bumpy and sometimes rough. Rediscovering how to play and exploring what you find fun is worth it.
How does one create an Adventure Mindset? One step at a time. I started out one evening a week (Wednesdays) taking myself out after work and exploring what I found fun. Prior to that I had hit my rock bottom, did the work, and reached a point where I knew I needed to discover for my own self (and not in an other-people-pleasing, other-people-validating way) what brings me inner joy. I took chances, and sometimes failed. Those failures taught me lessons and helped me grow. Through my curiosity I discovered my authentic self.
Looking back at the 10+ years of adventures, I’ve developed ten tenets that help shape my Adventure Attitude: Embrace courage; ABC (Always Be Curious); Start small; Dare yourself; The magic of Wonder; Be inspired; Appreciate; Turn negatives into positives; Self-care is not selfish; Let go of the outcome. You’ll find more on this in the free ebook, Finding Fun (see link below).
Ready to rediscover how to play and have fun? Begin with my words to inspire you. Then take action through my coaching, programs and events. Start with committing to one day a week, and soon every day will be an adventure!
Jump start your adventure attitude here:
Free eBook “Finding Fun”
Adventure Wednesdays inspirational posts
Programs, courses & events
Shop Adventure Wednesdays tee shirts
What does Kara say?
All of the things Stacey offers are inspirational. I love quoting her tips from her ebook, Finding Fun. Her courses have helped me to learn how to put into the action of play over knowing the good science of play. Her coaching has brought me to new levels of awareness, helps me decrease my anxiety and do what it takes to follow my passions.