You know that feeling when you are trying to create something and it feels so forced that you get completely stuck and no matter how hard you try it just doesn’t happen? Or when you do start to make it, it all seems crummy or wrong? The stress of deadlines doesn’t make it any better. This is how I felt when trying to make a bigger, better, simpler Adventure Attitude Challenge.
![adventure quote by Richard Branson](
Creating this mindset shift challenge had become an obstacle. Ten months of difficulties. Utilizing an Adventure mindset, I switched my view from “creating & selling my POV as a product is hard” to “I’m in flow creating something that will help people.” To show you how I practice what I preach, join me as I share the journey. (And at the end, you could get a special bonus!)
The first 21-day Adventure challenge
One morning in October of 2018 I woke up with a strong vision. A new way to share and inspire others to have adventures. To give ideas of how to have them without having to up and move across the country or live in some exciting city. I announced it, and then started on the first of November, ending on my birthday.
The 21 Day Adventure Challenge was fun to create. People enjoyed trying out the different ideas. However, it was too much to do crammed into too little time. I get it, we have busy lives! It’s a reason I started with baby steps by having adventures one evening a week.
Coach loves my Adventure Attitude Challenge idea
Last Spring I hired a business coach, Robin, to help me grow my business to the next level. Under her guidance, I created the helpful e-book “Finding Fun” (if you want a copy, the pop up ad I put on this site leads you to it!). A bigger goal we decided I should meet, but didn’t reach in our time together, was re-imagining the 21 Day Adventure Challenge. Instead of 21 fun ideas, it would help people create their own journey to an adventure mindset in 3 weeks.
Weeks turned into months. I wrote outlines. I tried going at it from different directions, such as attempting to create the name or listing the feelings one would achieve at the end. It felt forced. I wasn’t flow, as I tend to feel when writing my weekly inspirational adventures. Block after block. Teeny gains – to the point where I celebrated the ‘Aha’ moment that Point A is feeling stuck and Point B is feeling willing to learn how to play and have fun in life.
The struggle is real, and its ok
“Put yourself outside of your comfort zone, keep making yourself uncomfortable, to push yourself forward on the offer for Adventure Wednesdays. The world needs what you share.”
Robin Carberry, Business Coach
I struggled to create a product to sell that’s in-between my free content (blogs etc) and my “signature course” (Develop Your 7th Sense, A Sense of Adventure; a 7-week group mentorship). It was difficult to devote enough time. Moving cross country, attending Burning Man, buying a vintage Airstream that needs total rehabilitation, and trying to settle into my new home town, created a life filled with change. Plus, I kept my promise of publishing inspirational adventures weekly. So much change led to feelings of overwhelm, of being stuck, and berating myself for feeling stressed when everyone said I am “living the dream.” I recognized these familiar feelings. The ones that led to the edges of depression in my past.
“The Universe is sending you signs you’re on the right path.” “Change is hard, it takes time to adjust.” “You’re exactly where you’re meant to be.” While all the euphemisms encouraged me somewhat, it is my adventure attitude that help me build the resilience to keep trying.
This adventure mindset that helps shift obstacles into challenges to overcome. The struggle is real, and its ok.
The Akashic Records Coach
By chance, or the Universe putting her in my path, I came across a woman, Amy, offering a free business coaching session accessing Akashic Records for insights. Her intuitive reading helped me see where I was blocking myself in creating an adventure attitude challenge. In spiritual terms, my solar plexus was in a tight bunch and not allowing flow to come up through my throat chakra.
In other words, I was trying to control things too much and it was stopping my intuition of knowing how to express myself. Trying to control what cannot be controlled is a dysfunctional habit I had learned years ago. It took work to let go of this habit. Like all habits, it takes vigilance to stick to being healthy. I once again had to let go of the need to control, so life could flow.
“Choose your own adventure. Do what is right for you, not what pleases others.”
Amy Bionidi
Amy’s words were the reminders I needed!
2s and zeros for inspiration
![02.02.2020 against a pink background](
Wouldn’t this have been a great date for something magical? Did you have some great adventure or moment that day? I even suggested it as a wedding date for my son (too soon – not enough time to plan.) I saw a friend launch her program on that date. When I was looking at calendars at the beginning of the year (a blogger has to plan her Wednesdays, you know!), I knew I didn’t have a product to sell. I was almost ready to give up.
Angel Numbers
Do you believe in “angel numbers”? Those coincidences when you see a clock repeat numbers (11:11 or 4:44), or dates (like 12.12.12 or the palindrome one we just had). The easy meaning is that the numbers are reminding you that angels are letting you know they are watching over you (even if you don’t believe in them).
February 20, 2020. The date was on display, in its full numeric beauty, catching my eye. I allowed myself to play with the joy of the numbers. The funny way it sounds saying oh-two-two-oh- two-oh- two-oh. Like a lightning bolt it hit me. I would create my 21 Day Adventure Challenge differently! It would be 20 days. Starting on the 20th day, of the oh-second month in the year 2020. And it would only cost $20 (none of the $19.97 stuff for this genius idea!).
Landing page, name and more…
What’s the opposite of feeling stuck? Flow. What’s the opposite of forcing something to happen? Allowing it to happen with ease. What’s the opposite of trying to control the outcome? Following your sense of adventure and intuition and seeing what happens. This is the flip that an adventure attitude help me achieve.
![Stay tuned for Finding Fun Adventure Attitude Challenge starting 02.20.20](
Although I don’t yet have a sign up page, a name or exact details…I am now so EXCITED to create a 20 Day Adventure Attitude Challenge! Imagine daily emails, fun assignments, weekly video calls (probably Facebook lives in our very own private group) and other surprises I’ve been working on for months.
Do I have everything ready to tell you right now? No! All I know is that it will be an adventure. It will help you (or someone you think could use an attitude adjustment) start to create your path from feeling stuck to feeling ready to learn how to play and have fun in your life. I’m not going to promise “the world” will change in 20 days, but I sure will do my best to get you seeing things in new ways!
Will you join me? “It’s only a $1 a day” Sign up now (or at least say you want to be informed of details)! If you sign up before 2.10.2020, you will receive a bonus 20 minute one-on-one adventure mentor call with me. Or a postcard sent to you from some odd destination (you choose!) Email me: FindingFun at