Guest Blog by Dr. Melissa Bird
Intro by Stacey
While I was going through my journey of climbing up from rock bottom, I first heard the phrase “The longest distance is from your head to your heart.” Admittedly, it took me a while to understand that this simple phrase represents so much: to me it’s about ego vs authentic self; being so smart that you don’t listen to your intuition; having faith vs outsmarting the expected outcome; and more. Once I understood the concept, I started seeing it in others. It became a goal for me to be “heart-centered.” Now, guiding you, dear reader, how to shift your perspective to becoming more adventurous includes you learning to trust your heart.
Fast forward to these past few weeks. I have become a “heart-centered” entrepreneur, and met another one during an virtual accelerated sales and marketing course. Missy, aka Dr. Melissa Bird. While she is launching fundraisers to buy land for a future retreat (The Mermaid’s Garden), she also runs Rebel School and has an ebook “Natural Born Rebel.” While checking out her website, I read some of her blog posts. Her direct way discussing the head to heart connection appealed to me, and (with her permission) am sharing with you!
A little trick for dropping out of your head and into your heart
Each time I do Rebel School I give the gift of this poem by Nikita Gill to my clients:
It is a solid reminder that when you drop out of your head and into your heart you can see your calling so clearly it is like looking through glass.
Here is a little trick to drop out of your head and into your heart.
- Feel your feet on the floor. Go ahead. Just feel them there.
- Place your hand on your heart.
- Close your eyes and take a big deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
- With your eyes closed count to 10.
- Open your eyes and smile.
You are exactly who we need right now.
You are exactly who we have been waiting for.
You are exactly who we are looking for.
I see you.
Thank you for being you.
I love you.
Carry on.
Dr. Melissa Bird