Being told to stay home sounds fun until it isn’t. A year into the pandemic, and we are still being told (in many places) to stay home, or limit our social gatherings and outings. Although the new vaccines offer hope, we still need to be careful. Are you over binge watching Netflix/Hulu/Disney and all the other movie streams? Does all this being house-bound make you say you’re bored? Try these activities!
Coordinating with my friend Jan, who has an adventure outlook I’ve long admired, we are offering 100 ideas to counter your excuse of “I’m bored.” I suppose they could be grouped under headings such as Learning, Outside, Creating, Movement, or Counter your anxiety. We decided it’s more fun to see what comes next!
100 ideas while sitting at home
- Take a different route (whether in your home or if you can be outside safely)
- Be a tourist in your town – change this up a bit, and create an itinerary for your favorite out-of-town guest for when they can come visit
- Find a cause and get involved. So many charities have many ways you can help without being at an event.
- Try Earthing. Run around barefoot in your yard. Steady your feet on cement (basements are good for this). Have a plant? Try meditatively placing your hands on the dirt.
- Try a new food. Or a new-to-you food. Order a different item from a restaurant that offers delivery. Or sign up for a CSA and see what happens.
- Follow your food to its origin. Like chocolate? Do you know where it comes from? Watch documentaries, read online articles or books. Like eggs? Read up on what it might be like to be a chicken farmer.
- How do you like your eggs? Cook them every which way and discover your favorite. This applies to other food ingredients too.
- Travel the USA (virtually) through food. Do you know what the “best” foods are for the state you live in? Or for all 50 states? Make it a guessing game and then research the answer.
- Prance! Do a silly walk! Dance like no one is watching (maybe no one is! Who cares?) Check out this Australian Zoo Keeper dancing at work!
- Find a place big enough to hula hoop. Buy a decent one and learn to use it. Get good enough to do at least one hoop trick.
- Wear something outrageous. Put together oddball outfits and see if you like the new combinations, or if they make you laugh.
- Fluff yourself (if you don’t already). The best way for a partner to know how to please you is if you know yourself first! Take your time. Science has shown that having several orgasms a week is good for your health.
- Eye gazing. See if this works virtually if you don’t have a partner or pet at home to try this with. Start with at least two minutes. Blinking is allowed. The object is to connect through the windows of your soul.
- Create a museum scavenger hunt. There are so many museums now offering online tours that you can access. Choose one. Find fun things. Make a list. Share the museum link and the list for your friends and family to find. Celebrate all the wins
- Clean your house, but with pizazz. In “Working Girl” Melanie Griffith vacuums naked (which rumors say she did in real life). Or put on your favorite tunes and sing while you clean (it worked for Snow White, didn’t it?)
- While you’re at it, throw away all the expired meds & foods. Look at the expiration dates. Recollect something fun you were doing around that time.
- Opposite Day. For one day use your non-dominant hand first. Start your steps with the opposite leg. Learn to wink with the “weaker” eye. Wear your clothes inside out. Eat dessert for breakfast, or breakfast for dinner. Call someone instead of texting. Whatever feels opposite of your normal routine.
- Try yoga. Or try yoga at home. Or try a new kind of yoga. I like Adrienne’s 30 day challenge as well as a calming yoga nidra
- Experiment with meditating. Ask a friend who knows to guide you while on FaceTime. Here’s one my friend created for before adventures: Kate Connelly Meditation You could try an app (click here for a review of some good ones)
- Here’s a different way to consider meditations: read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
- DIY Day Spa. The Penny Hoarder has some cheap at home ideas If you don’t have the ingredients, have some delivered from the grocery store or your local CSA. Have a partner? Give each other massages instead of getting on each other’s nerves about minor issues that seem to flare when your anxiety level is high.
- Do you drink enough water? Experts seem to recommend all sorts of different levels. Why not discover what’s best for you? Besides, upping your hydration makes you leave your computer screen more often. Here’s a fun hydration calculator by Camelbak
- Make a Quarantini. Here’s a cute how-to from a traveling nurse company:
- Go beyond the “Quarantini.” Nervous that your booze stash will go too fast? Slow it down by learning how to create great custom drinks. Pretend your home is the newest speakeasy. Here’s a review of online (maybe free) bartending classes: Best Bartending Courses
- When you cook, do you like to pretend you’re a TV chef? Why not entertain your friends with cooking a meal during a Facebook Live? Be inspired by Julia Child!
- Have a movie marathon by theme. A friend recently asked his friends on social media for end-of-the-world-as-we-know it type movies. If that’s too intense, AAA has one that’s car related
- Get in the Christmas spirit early by watching Hallmark’s Christmas specials. They are offering a Christmas specials every Friday. You could also dig out your holiday lights and decorate to cheer you and your neighbors up!
- Did you send out your Christmas cards? Why not surprise your friends with sending them out now?
- Send postcards with funny/odd sayings, quotes, or passages from favorite books on them (I’ve been doing this with my brother for decades. It’s always a smile to get random mail!) Make your own or find cheesy ones in stores that are open.
- Is your address book updated? What would happen if you didn’t have access to it electronically? Discover ways to have physical sources to refer to if you want to send snail mail without using your phone.
- Start a journal. Or if you have one, keep writing. How you feel now during this pandemic could be the source of your future “great American novel.” Or at least one way to express all those feelings the current chaos creates.
- Write your obituary. This was a college journalism project I once had to do. No matter your age, it’s enlightening. Need help? Check out How to Write An Obituary
- Outline or start writing your autobiography. Carol Burnett started by writing a letter to her daughter. The letter became so long that it turned into a book!
- Connect with your inner-child. Meet him/her/them by drawing a picture with your non-dominant hand. After a quiet meditation, ask the name of your inner child (it’s okay if you have several! Usually they are different ages.) Do you have questions about life, or problems you’re dealing with, or trying to see yourself in new ways? Write out your question to your inner child. Allow a response to flow through you by writing the answers with your non-dominant hand. More on what an inner-child is here: Discover Your Inner Child
- Do you have a green thumb? With Spring in the air, now is a good time for planting. Many seeds are available and the time is fine for starting now. If you have indoor plants, learn more about them. What’s their Latin name? Do they like classical music or rock and roll? Why not buy some herbs and learn all their uses? Natural remedies or cooking are great things to learn at home.
- Learn more about herb plants and their natural healing properties. Check out Susun Weed, who is an internationally known “Wise Woman” herbal healer.
- Explore tarot cards. There are tons to choose from. Hay House has a good selection. I took a class years ago that ended up being more like a history lesson. Here’s the book from that class Robert Place “The Tarot: History, Symbolism and Divination”
- There are also many energy healers who offer tarot card readings. Make sure to get recommendations, to avoid the quacks out there.
- Learn how to use Instagram to its fullest with top experts. I follow Sue B. Zimmerman If you have an iPhone, check out Clubhouse.
- Kidulting. This term generally refers to activities for adults that represent the fun, freedoms and silliness of childhood days. A recent trend, which I did once with friends back in NYC, is “Onesie Wednesday” where people wear fun onesies and bar hop. What games would you want to play that you could do just for the sheer joy of it? What activities could you do that make your inner child feel loved, accepted and happy? (My favorite is making bubbles!) Check out these “adult toys” from the Modern Met
- Seems like everyone is doing Facebook Lives to connect with others. Nervous about how to do your own Facebook Live? Check here for tips
- Write down affirmations. Repeating affirmations helps relieve stress. A woman who creates stock images is offering 30 free ones to help you through the pandemic: Pixistock Affirmations
- Photograph an object 20 different ways
- Create a bucket list – include internal adventures as well as outward bound types
- Go for a solo walk or hike. Slow down and appreciate the details. Notice the patterns in the bark of a tree, or how weeds make patterns in the sidewalk. (Make sure to follow the safe social distance protocols!)
- Can’t get out in nature? Soothe your wild beast with live webcams!
- Adult coloring books are great stress relievers. And you can get some “culture” while you’re at it! Check out these free coloring pages from over 100 museums: Smithsonian Museum Collections Free Coloring Pages
- Become a Maker. Discover what a maker is, join a free “camp” and check out some cool projects you can do: Maker Camp
- Try a new form of exercises. Stay alert for free offers on your social medias. This article offers a whole bunch with free trials or ways to access them for free: Online Workouts 2021
- Go through your photos. Organize them. Delete the bad ones. Have your favorite digital ones printed (find a service that will print & send them to you)
- Don’t have materials for DIY projects, and able to spend a little? Try this site for fun kits. Or just use the site for inspiration for things you’d like to try
- Get your library card out and cruise their online options for ebooks, audio books or videos
- Try a new hair color. Many are temporary. My current favorite brand is Overtone, as it conditions as it colors and is a female-owned company. They say the color of the year 2020 was “Calming Blue.” Sounds good to me
- Start planning that grand adventure trip. Daydream all the options, grab a map and put it all together. Join travel groups on social media. Follow your destination’s Instagram and the hashtags to help you discover “secret” places or new ideas.
- Create a vision board of what you want your life to look like. This can be done in different formats – from cutting out images and pasting down on a board, an online app or making lists in a journal. Here’s a video I created a while ago that teaches about this: Adventure Wednesdays Vision Board Lesson
- Learn to draw. Find the online tutors and tutorials. Try a book. My current favorite is “Just Draw It”
- Get crafty with all those toilet paper tubes. Everyone needs a Unicorn!
- Trace your ancestry. Try it slightly differently. Pick one of your character assets and see who else in your family tree has this quality.
- If you have grandparents you can chat with on the phone, interview them.
- Research what it would be like to live in a tiny house on wheels. Ask the big questions the TV shows don’t: 1) where will you park it? Sidenote – many national parks and campgrounds have closed during the crisis, leaving many nomads scrambling for places to land. 2) how will you finance the house & place to park it? 3) the best part – what do you want for your space? Unlike big homes that fit “future buyers” tiny homes are an expression of the owner. Learn more from my insights gained while on a gig for a tiny house builder “Tiny House Reality Check”
- Have you watched “Doomsday Prepper”? What skills would you need to survive out in the wild? Any that interest you? Such as learning to forage (which could be helpful in your trek to being a gourmand if you know all the mushrooms). Were you a scout at any time in your youth – maybe some of those skills need re-upping? (I would not recommend practicing archery in your apartment/home!)
- Discover a new-to-you genre of music. Listen to an entire album of one singer/group before deciding if you like it or not.
- Gather all your favorite quotes. Get creative and share them on social media. has a free site that helps you create posts, and offers all sorts of design options & free photos.
- Laughter is the best medicine. Make a video of you telling your favorite jokes. Create a line-up of comedies to watch. Discover new stand-up comedians of all backgrounds and styles.
- Play dirty word Scrabble. See who can make up a word that others will think is true.
- Make a collage. Use scrap paper, markers, and whatever else seems to add to your art. Express a feeling or an emotion. Or create an interpretation of some object you see.
- Attend an online concert! A quick online search comes up with many options from the Seattle Orchestra to everyone listed on NPR, Billboard, cnet, Vulture….Here are some livestreams (remember, artists need support too!)
- Always wanted an Ivy League education? Now you can take classes at Harvard, MIT and without having to pay room & board! Just don’t expect credit or certification. But – knowledge is power, right? Best Free College Courses
- Create your own puzzle. Use your own photo or illustration, send to a puzzle making website and wait for it to be delivered. (Make sure to check they are still in operation during this crisis. I ordered some last Christmas, and processing time was slowed down).
- Try a food pairing. Does red wine really make steak taste better? What cheeses would enhance a floral tea? My favorite are different beverages with craft chocolates. Here’s tequila, but I also have written about pairings with whiskies, wine, coffee or beer!
- COVID-19 Bingo! Create your own bingo cards. This site offer 30 free prints – but since 30 people can’t gather, they offer 30 remote bingo cards you can send digitally!
- Play your own game of Cutthroat Kitchen. Make a meal with what you find in your cabinet and refrigerator. Be creative. Combine spices to make new ones, you never know!
- Make up a new cocktail (or mocktail) with only the ingredients you have. And give it a name that connects it to you. Jan-ba Juice anyone? Stacey Sling?
- Scroll through your phone list and call the friend you land on. Let the Universe decide who you should speak to today. And do it again tomorrow with someone else. A spin on this – randomly flip through your photos. ‘Round and ’round you go – and when you stop on a friend, call them and talk about that photo, what you were doing and when!
- Go through your clothes and shoes. Treat your closet like a store. Try them on! You might discover hidden gems in your own closet, or finally start getting rid of those old standbys you never will ever wear.
- Create a fashion show from what’s in your closet.
- Envision alternative endings to your favorite movies or books. Or create your own sequel. In a sense, it’s a choose your own adventure!
- Is there someone in your past you wish you still kept in touch with? Try to find them- there’s no time like the present!
- Pick one area of your body and make it stronger in 30 minutes per day. It could be your hair with a mask, your triceps by lifting cans repeatedly, your brain with a new skill.
- Test your flexibility. Slowly stretch. You might surprise yourself! Need help? Check out this slow stretch yoga video
- Learn the words to NEW songs. What is Silk Sonic singing? Why is Billie Eilish’s lyrics touching so many people? Well, now you know.
- Look at the stars, learn the constellations. Cloudy out? No problem, check this list of apps that helps you see & identify stars: Free Stargazing apps
- Start a dream journal
- Create a self-portrait not using your camera/phone. While looking in the mirror, be your own mirror! Self-portraits are powerful introspective glimpses.
- Take a break from the digital world. Consider it a type of digital Sabbath, or giving it up for Lent. Whatever you call it, you’ll thank yourself!
- Challenge yourself to 12 minutes of high intensity exercise. Make it a habit. Check out this one that was created for Canadian soldiers who were far from any gym: Fit450
- Learn a new language. Not only this helps your brain expand, it broadens your cultural experiences. A popular app is Duolingo
- Show your appreciation for those on the “front lines” – send thank you notes to the staff at local hospitals, grocery store clerks, gas stations or other essential service workers who are still out there helping the public.
- Make your own script! Watch TV shows with the sound off and make your own dialogue. Make serious soap operas silly. Make soft porn actors have intelligent conversations (this could be a big challenge…not sure how much talking happens! HA!)
- Create your own song list of happy/uplifting songs. Can you find 100 of them? Make these songs do double duty and inspire you to get moving.
- Create song lists to reflect your other moods to help release stress
- Create a chain of songs using a theme word. I love the one I created using “fire”
- Choose a theme for a meal. Have part or all of it delivered (to help keep local restaurants stay in business)
- Learn a new type of dance. Belly dancing is available online and doesn’t take up a lot of room. If you have room and all the fragile items are out of the way, why not try break dancing?
- Learn deep breathing. Inhale through your nose while counting to 4, 6, 8 or 10. Breathe out for the same count plus one. Do this ten times.
- Get your inner interior designer inspired. Rearrange your furniture. Create a Pinterest board that showcases your sense of style.
- Nailed it! Find something you like online (a fancy cake, a craft project, or a famous art piece) and make your version. Celebrate no matter the outcome
- Audit a course for your mental health. Check out Yale’s “happiness” free online course “The Science of Well-Being”
- Watch Broadway plays from the comfort of your home. Feel free to sing along since you’re not going to interrupt the show!
- Write how an adventure helped you change your perspective. Tell me in the comments your idea and we can discuss if you could become a guest blogger on Adventure Wednesdays!
Are you still bored?
Let me know if you tried any of these suggestions, and if they helped you shift from being bored to finding new things to explore! Also – I’m serious about the last entry – I’m always looking to share other perspectives on adventure that will inspire more people to try them!
#95–haha–that’s the exercise I use to put myself to sleep at night!
That’s awesome! I bet you’re not bored doing it – more like deep relaxing!! XOXOX