Developing an Adventure Attitude starts with courage. Courage to try new things, courage to take risks (large and small) despite the unknown outcome. Ultimately, it’s the courage to be your true, authentic self, in all areas of your life. Recently, I took a step to put myself out there and was interviewed by several podcasts.
The first one has aired. Suzy Rosenstein interviewed me for her series “Getting Real with Women in the Middle: How to Build an Adventurous Attitude, an Interview with Stacey Newman Weldon.” I enjoyed doing the interview. I felt natural, in my flow. When Suzy sent me the link, and I listened to my story, something clicked. I’d never heard my whole story this way before, or told it like this before. It’s my honest truth. And then, THUD. My inner critical voice piped up, doubting if this was “good.” My fears of what other people thought grew. I checked in with my sons (they approved!). I checked in with my mom (she’s so proud!). I checked in with friends (one said she totally related!). Finally, I remembered whose opinion counts the most – mine. I like this interview. I’m using my courage to try something new, and I want to share it with you. Enjoy!
After listening to my story, what are your thoughts/feelings? Are you inspired? More willing to take courage and put yourself out there a bit more? If so, how? (Let me know in the comments below!)