Inspiration can be the spark to light a new direction. Creativity sparks inspiration. Do you wish you could be more creative, and are curious where to find inspiration? Why not start with artists in your town? For instance – Alison, a good friend, sparked her adventure into painting with a simple girls-night-out at a local “wine & paint” event. From there, she has created dozens of paintings. She follows her curiosity by trying different styles. Alison mentioned she now looks at things differently – seeing landscapes and objects with an artist’s perspective of colors and shapes.

With a desire to meet women like my friend Alison, I thought I would try a “wine & paint” night too. But the next local event was already sold out. Luckily for me, the timing of an “Open Studio” art tour of the town I recently moved to, was perfect. I could explore this new-to-me town, push my own limits of vulnerability by making sure I connected with people (not just observe the art), and have some fun doing something I enjoy. Equally important, adventures often deliver unexpected results. Following my curiosity, on the tour I got peeks into other artists’ inspirations, snippets of what sparks their creativity.

Discovering Inspirations

“Mosaics are an avenue of self-discovery, curiosity, intuition, and meditation. I reached a time in my life when I did not want to take a class; did not want to read books on someone else’s ideas of art.
I wanted to go inward and have my very own experience; not caring about the result, enjoying the creative process and watching how or when to get out of the way.” Lyn Radosevich (excerpted from the Philomath Open Studios website)
The Debs with their Creative Sparks
Debi Lyn

When I rounded the porch corner at the Lumos Winery art stop, I saw a different style by the same artist featuring photographs she had added to with colored pencils. I like how Debi Lyn titles this technique “Colored Pencil PhotoFusion” The luminosity of an ocean wave painting fascinated me, and I could imagine that her curiosity had led her down this creative path. In addition, Debi was friendly and easy to chat up. She told me about an upcoming event in the next town over, and handed me an informational postcard. The card has this inspirational quote:
“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”
Pablo picasso


Watching Deb weave and listen to her stories about her art was inspiring. My first thought was a snarky comment someone said many years ago to deride a college choice “majoring in basket weaving.” However, Deb proves how this is not for the brainless. She started in Virginia learning Appalachian Egg Baskets. She’s also studied with various Native Americans. However, her use of different materials shows not just her knowledge, but curiosity in following what each can do to express her ideas. For example, for her birch baskets, Deb started with pieces from her home state (Michigan); then discovered the differences Vermont birch offered; and eventually made a contact and sources birch from Russia!

Other Sparks

The discovery of beauty is the inspiration for my art. Exploring a wide variety of media, I pursue my own imaginative vision through developing processes which allow me to bypass some of the conscious intent involved in making art. In this way, each painting is a fresh opportunity to discover something new.
Leslie Tejada, excerpted from Philomath Open Studio website

A creatively inspired garden, sparked by the artist’s pottery

You blog page is looking very polished! Love the format and pictures. Enjoyed the content too.
Thanks! It’s a work in progress. Always learning ?