Adventures in the ‘hood
OMG, I whined to myself recently, is the biggest adventure I’m going to have around here is learning Pioneer Woman skills? And, my inner crybaby went on, will I ever find friends who are like me here…in this college town? Will I ever find cool things to do, to have adventures in the ‘hood?
Recently, when I was overtired and ruminating about missing all my friends back home and the easy access to excitement that New York City provides easily, I realized I was getting myself nowhere. Sure, I’ve been having fun learning about local foods (like honey!) that grow here where I’m living in Oregon. One reason I left New York was to be able to find adventure in backyards all over the country. Not everyone has access to the wide variety of options that Manhattan offers, and I want to discover what an adventure mindset could do…anywhere.
Just as I did over a decade ago when I started out exploring my adventures on Wednesdays, and discovering what I find fun, I decided it’s time to explore what my new town has to offer. Will you help me choose adventures in the ‘hood? (Read on to see what events I’ve found…and comment at the end!)
Resources for Adventures
First things first. My family here know the area well, and are full of ideas for adventures. However, they have their own lives and are not in charge of my education and social life. Where to find them? I followed my passions and curiosity. What passion pops up for you to discover in your town?
Having been involved with a creative desert-camping crew back East, I decided to tap into the local Burning Man community. I discovered other burners in the area, and it’s on my list to do more with them. There are apparently a lot of options for local burners to express themselves, so from what I understand don’t feel the direct need for a specific
Facebook is chock full of events, but since I’m living near a college town, so many are geared to activities my sons would find fun, but me – not so much. (Don’t discount it! I did find a mushroom workshop that may prove interesting, especially with so many forests nearby.) and AirBnB Adventures are other resources to look at later. I use the app “NextDoor” but not (yet) for meeting people – mostly to learn about what’s the town politics and looking for items we need for our projects.
On the road through the center of town I’ve seen those blue “Information Center” signs. On the day I was being mopey about what I’d left behind, I flipped gears and got myself to that Info Center. I picked up a stack of literature and left excited to explore the options. This advice (of going to the local tourist info booth) reminds me of a photo trick I learned years ago – to get a good vantage point of some tourist spot you’re visiting, look at the postcards and go there. Those are usually great scenic spots and people will compliment you on your image. (I know, sounds a little cheesy, but it’s more about the starting vantage point.)

You’re probably asking “How is doing things inspired from a tourist info center going to help me for develop an adventure mindset?” Here are a few quick ways: ABC (always be curious) and learn new things; Be open to Wonder, you never know what surprise will show up; Courage to try things that are a little beyond your comfort zone; and Dare Yourself. What you choose to dare is up to you.
For me, finding these different experiences to explore is about daring myself to make connections while doing them. To be open to new friendships means allowing my vulnerabilities to show (and letting go of worrying about judgements). Who knows if something I found at the Info Center will lead me to discover my “tribe” wherever they may be located.
While I know I am an outgoing person, I do have my introverted side too. Since I’ve had positive experiences (like the story of meeting my Adventure Partner many moons ago), I’m willing to reach beyond my comfort zone, follow what I find fun, and not worry if new friends show up.
Survey says: What adventures in the ‘hood should I do?
Time for some adventures in the ‘hood! From all the things I’ve read in the literature gathered from the Info Center, here are 10 ideas of what I’d like to try. Your turn! I want to know what you think I should do. In the comments write in the number. Feel free to let me know if you’ve done anything similar, or thoughts on other things I could look for in my new home state.

Would you try any of these 10 ideas for adventures in your ‘hood? Or something similar? Would you follow your curiosity to find ideas, list them, and then go do them? If not, why? Share your thoughts & actions in the comments.
Why not try all 10? If I HAD to pick, I’d choose 10 and 6.
All 10? Hmmmm. I’ve added 6 & 10 to the list!