Blue hair don’t care. Or #bluehairdontcare. I’ve spent half a lifetime trying to be a natural blonde. This time I went with trying to be a natural blue.

My natural color hair during high school (my Junior Prom). I first started the quest for blonde hair in college, while studying abroad in Paris.
As I sit here thinking about the past six months sporting blue hair, the most prominent thought I have is this one regret: Not telling other women how much fun I’ve had with blue hair.
So, to the elderly woman, with long grey hair, who came up to me at a Midwest Meyer’s Starbucks on a snowy morning, I have a different response now than I had said when you admired the color of my hair…and said you wished you had the courage to color your hair too. I regret not saying something like this:
Honey, it’s only hair. It’s your hair. Do you know what the sainted Mother Theresa said? Life’s an adventure. Dare it!
It’s ok to take chances, no matter what other people think. What matters is how it makes you feel. I say, be bold! And if it’s hard being bold, just have fun!
It’s only hair
How do you get across to a stranger all those years of learning or unlearning to care about other people’s judgment of you? Of realizing exactly how short life is? That our time on this planet, well – I’m sure you’ve heard this – temporary. Who cares about the minor point of hair color? When we have fun, and enjoy it all – everyone around us does too. Even the ones who hide behind bullying to attempt to feel better about themselves by trying to make you feel small. So, I have a regret. I didn’t share my wisdom with this woman. I just meekly smiled and said thank you, it’s my favorite color.
It’s easy to understand her attitude, with her hesitations. I remember when my friend and I first had our newborns. We discussed their possible futures and some of the things they could do to rebel. One was dye their hair some bright, punk-rock style. With some reflection we agreed that it’s only hair. Hair can be grown out or dyed back to a normal color once they tire of it. We never dreamed I’d be the one with a blue hue and the kids (let alone strangers in coffee shops) would be the ones accepting it.
My journey to blue hair
Two summers ago at Burning Man a woman I know applied some temporary colors in my hair for fun. One little streak of teal lasted for a few months. I kind of liked it. So this past summer I decided to be bold and jump on the rainbow color hair trend. Of course I chose blue- it’s my favorite color! As a bonus, my boss (me!) said it would be fine. No corporate execs around to snicker or fire me, no clients who would not like it.

Leftover blue streak from Burning Man 2016
Blue Hair research
I had an idea in my head of what I wanted. I wanted to look like a “Natural blue” (this doesn’t sound so far off from a lifetime pursuing being a “Natural blonde.”) However, my vision of layered blues isn’t that common, and I wanted it done my way. Fortunately, Pinterest has many suggestions for blue hair styles.

Finally found something close to my vision (click for my Pinterest board for all the choices I considered)
Next was finding someone to execute my desires. I admit, I was too timid to do it on my own, having had bad experiences in the distant past. (Have you had bad experiences with dying your hair at home? I’m sure there are millions of mistakes happening based on the number of YouTube how-tos alone!)
Both my friends Claire and Jessica had been dying their own hair, with beautiful results. But they didn’t want to risk messing up someone else’s hair. My long-time stylist has started a new business, and her traveling set up wasn’t conducive for us to do this adventure together.
Then, a really great friend with lots of connections hooked me up with a talented woman whose salon, Hello Beautiful!, is in the hip part of Brooklyn. The whole experience– from the funky decor, to Rebecca’s very capable demeanor, how pretty the different blues looked– made me feel happily special.
- Hello Beautiful hair salon – in newly hipster part of Brooklyn. I found free! parking nearby – a good sign
- the couch is vintage 40s! Of course it has plastic – would you risk hair color splashed onto this antique? And that painting? Got nothin’ on Rocky Horror!
- the details of this salon made me feel I was in a special place
- Leg lamp kitsch
- Blonde before Blue! Have to take out color for the bright hues to attach
- Could I feel more hip while going through the awkward process? Nope – this place was cool enough to make the process fun
- so many color choices! The pros have the good stuff…and Rebecca knows how to use it!
The results make blue hair look natural

My first photo of me with blue hair. Rebecca at Hello Beautiful! likes to keep a visual record. I loved how I became part of all the fun colors of the background mural.

Portrait with blue hair, prior to Burning Man 2017.
Being a “natural blue” really isn’t that much different from being a “natural blonde.” Looking back at having brightly hued hair for the last six months, most important lesson is that I love it. This lesson didn’t come easy…there were a few times I seriously doubted myself, or was afraid that others would be embarrassed being seen with me. I sometimes hid behind the joke “I’m just a little old lady with blue hair” and online behind the hashtag #bluehairdontcare.
Having blue hair doesn’t mean I don’t care about anything. It means I have become more empowered to not care what people think of my personal choices for how I look or what I find fun. Isn’t that what the adventure is about? Finding what gives you joy?
Please comment!
Tell me in the comments below about your experiences with hair color or if you’re inspired to try something new (even a new shade of blonde?) Stay tuned for next week’s blog where I offer tips on blue hair care, as well as the different reactions I received from friends & strangers!

6 months after my first blue hair color adventure. I sent this photo to a friend with the caption “It’s so cold, even my hair is blue!”
What a great adventure and kudos for following through. Makes me want to go purple. That color makes me so darn happy. I think I’d spend all day looking at the mirror!
Definitely Michele! Purple would look great on you!
Gorgeous hair color! As for me I used to color my hair blonde but stopped about 8 years ago . I am going with my natural hair color and happy with it for now
That’s awesome Olga! A friend recently asked why I go through all the bother of color and just let my hair be natural (which is starting to be more grey than brown). My response? Because I’m having fun being a blue!
Gorgeous after photo! That hue really suits you. Funky salon for your colour initiation xxx
Thanks Irene! I agree, it does suit me. Sort of my “crown”, right?
I’ve always loved original hair colors but I didn’t dare until I was 40 years old. I started with purple, bleaching little by little (I’m originally a brunette), so that with each color the purple would be brighter. I do the colorings at home.
Then I changed to indigo because I wanted to cool my purple, so I mixed it with blue. And finally I got into blue, which is what I have now.
I like it a lot, but bleach really damages the hair too much. I’m going to have to make a transition to a more subtle blue.
The bleaching is the toughest part. I admire your bravery & talent for being able to do it at home! I now use Overtone colors – great conditioners. They also have a blue for brown hair color which I’ve tried. The blue doesn’t really show until you’re in bright light (like sunlight). Enjoy all the blues!