I’m a registered drug buyer – an adventure in cannabis chocolate

Ever wonder what it’s like to buy marijuana, legally? Across the country, the discussion about legalizing pot for medical and recreational use is growing louder, with more states getting in on the new industry. In New York, it’s approved for medical use with recent legislation decriminalizing recreational use for small amounts and full legalization still being debated at the Capitol. My friends, who have solid health issues, have shown me their medical marijuana cards. The only way I was a registered drug buyer was having a driver’s license showing I’m old enough to buy alcohol or buying pharmaceuticals through insurance plans. But then, while in Massachusetts, I became a registered drug buyer of cannabis! To make it even better, chocolate is involved!
The Cultivate Dispensary

While driving down the Massachusetts Turnpike we decided that while still in a state where it’s legal for recreational use, we wanted to check out a cannabis dispensary. One of the state’s first pot store, Cultivate, was around 10 miles off the highway. With the question “Why not?” in our heads, we exited the Turnpike.
We followed directions this way, and that way until we took a turn down a side road called Main Street. The bright neon green cones alerted us that we were in the right place. As we turned in, a security agent updated us that parking out front is for handicap only and directed us to the lot down the street, where the shuttle would take us back to the store. Another set of bright green traffic cones marked the lot, which seemed to have a fair number of cars (and a separate spot for trucks). There was a party tent set up as a waiting place for the shuttle. The shuttle driver was friendly, and we mused how many times he drove back and forth during his shift. We also wondered what kind of perks he may get for this unusual job. Our IDs were checked before boarding the shuttle, and again at the door to the store.
The line wasn’t too long, and neither was the wait. The man in front of me explained to us “rookies” how the process works. He then passed us the menu of items available at the store. We looked it over, which helped me adjust to the pricing. Being a rookie and all, I’m unfamiliar what pot costs. The zen décor was unexpectedly what I expected. Not being able to sample the goods to see what we liked, a la the short-lived Netflix show starring Kathy Bates (Disjointed), was a disappointment but understandable. After all, we don’t drink and drive.

The clerk asked if we had ever shopped there before. Since it was our first time, I had to give my license and sign a form that stated I promised I would not drive after consuming any product purchased there nor resell to others. We didn’t want to spend money on accessories, so vapes, resins and buds were off our list. Gummy bears are supposed to be kept refrigerated, so that too was crossed off the list. That left “Expertly rolled 1 gram king sized joint” and…CHOCOLATE! You know what I went for!! Yum!
Flying Bon Bon: Dark Chocolate

As a service to you, I will give you a full review of the Daring Dark Chocolate bar, the luscious Flying Bon Bon. The price for the 2oz bar is $25 (taxes included). There are 10 pieces, each one has 4.27 mg of THC. The chocolate is 65% cacao, and sustainably sourced from a single country – Ecuador. The trend in craft chocolates is to use beans from a single country, or even a single estate, for a more unique flavor profile. To make the most of this expensive chocolate, I decided to treat it as a tasting.
The design is delightful to the eye, reminiscent of the hey-day of side shows, and the name I’m sure gives nod to the Flying Wallendas. The packaging is made from a foil designed to keep the odors inside. The right side tears open to reveal the zip lock way to re-seal and store unused chocolate. The dose is ½ – 1 piece, so the expectation is that this chocolate will last more than one time.

The smell starts off with strong tones of dark cacao. There is slight undertone of THC, which does not overwhelm the chocolate. The chocolate has a smooth sheen. Each piece has a graphic that is a warning that the product contains THC. The snap is a little soft, but the chocolate does break with ease. It melts evenly on the tongue, and quick enough that you aren’t tempted to bite the whole thing. The flavor is a gentle, sweet (not bitter) dark chocolate.
The overall effect was different for each of us, though both of us felt relaxed. The directions say for “light users” to eat ½ a dose, which I did. If I had eaten more, maybe the slight fuzzy feeling I felt would be increased. Of course, your own individual tolerance or reaction will vary from mine.
With this little extra way of reaching a chocolate euphoria, I will give this chocolate bar the thumbs up. Good chocolate is worth paying a premium, and then the added THC ingredient balances the higher price for the bar. The fact that I am now a registered drug buyer for the sake of trying chocolate? In my opinion, it’s a smart way to handle pot sales. If more cannabis chocolates taste this good, then definitely make it legal!

Have you tried edibles? Are there any chocolate bars you loved and would like to review? Let me know if this adventure inspires you to try a dispensary too.