What about being a tour guide?

What about being a tour guide?

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to have a different career than you have now?  When I first started realizing I was discontented in my job, I often took a look around to see what else might be more interesting.  Love travel?  I mean, travel is often the...
Brooklyn Bridge and Taxis at Burning Man.

Brooklyn Bridge and Taxis at Burning Man.

Or my adventure in creating art installations If you had told me when I was 16 years old that when I was 50 years old, I would be attending Burning Man, and at 52, be a part of creating a two-story version of the Brooklyn Bridge, at 53, be inspired to make my own...
Solo but Not Alone

Solo but Not Alone

What does bungee jumping, elephant bathing, cooking classes, and riding off into the sunset with your most recent Tinder date have in common? They can all be done in one week while traveling solo on the other side of the world.  That’s right, true story.  It was one...
Adventure to a Costa Rican Chocolate Farm

Adventure to a Costa Rican Chocolate Farm

Imagine yourself standing on a mountainside dirt road in the tropics.  It’s a humid day, the temperature is in the 80s and the sky is slightly overcast. You are in the middle of the rainforest, visiting an organic, beyond-Fair-Trade cacao farm with fifteen...