Learn A Skill Articles

From Sparkler to Floating Island Fire – Mina’s Spark

From Sparkler to Floating Island Fire – Mina’s Spark

Ever thought about what lights your fire? Mina Lebitz, a woman I met briefly last year at a weekend art/camping event called Figment Alpha, definitely has thought about what sparks her desires. When I met her last year, she was offering a workshop to create your own...

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Research for Tiny Home options

Research for Tiny Home options

For many, including me, joining the Tiny Home movement is inspired by the desire to live the lifestyle of adventure combined with less financial commitments, less impact on the environment and more freedom to explore America. It's been a long journey getting to this...

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Follow your passion – good or bad advice?

Follow your passion – good or bad advice?

Why would you consider 'follow your passion' bad advice?  After all, don’t all the gurus say that “if you do what you love, you never work a day in your life”?  What if you don’t have a passion to follow?  Or what if you have one, and by following it...

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5 X 55 Manifesting Adventure

5 X 55 Manifesting Adventure

Recently I have been going through an adventure of selling my home.  It’s been on the market for five long months, and when I received the original offer (that has now turned into a purchase intent), I…kind of freaked out.  It was a low offer, and my ego...

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Burlesque for adventures in confidence

Burlesque for adventures in confidence

Burlesque - when you hear that word what image comes up for you?  Olde timey vaudeville shows? the hey-days of Coney Island? Stage shows of the Wild West? Cabarets and dark nightclubs filled with cigar smoke?  Or maybe you think it's women doing a fancy strip act...

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Learning to let go – of books

Learning to let go – of books

Do you have a collection of books on your shelves, or on your nightstand or even sitting stacked in odd places?  What would you do if you had to let go of a majority of them?  I came across this issue recently in my process of downsizing my home.  Books are inanimate...

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21 Day Adventure Challenge

21 Day Adventure Challenge

Are you interested in taking a challenge?  Maybe even a 21 Day Adventure Challenge to add some fun into life?  I dare you to take this on! A few weeks ago I woke up inspired to create a "21 Day Adventure Challenge" that would start on November 1st, and end today -...

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