Learn A Skill Articles

Intro to Beer Tasting & Flights

Intro to Beer Tasting & Flights

So many flavors to try! Photo: beer flight by flickr LongituteLatitude Do you like to stick with the "usual" beers? Are you ready to try something new? Why not try a beer tasting? You don't have to be an expert to know what tastes good to you! In the spirit of...

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Make your own beer flight holder

Make your own beer flight holder

Quite the unique holiday gift set! Old license plates turned into beer flight holders. An inspired Christmas gift What holiday gift do you get a newly engaged couple? I mean, they already have everything they basically need! An Adventure gift (not plain old...

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Find your inner mushroom (er)

Find your inner mushroom (er)

Magic or Poison mushroom? Have you ever been to a gourmet restaurant and had a dish with an interesting accent or focus of mushroom?  Or maybe you’re more the one to add mushrooms to your salad-bar lunch with the vague notion “it’s healthy for you”.  Come...

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Adventures in the ‘hood II

Adventures in the ‘hood II

In last week's blog I asked for your help in choosing adventures that would help me face my fears of not making new connections in my new home town. Your response (here, on Facebook and personally replying by email) was heart-warming. You motivated me to go out and...

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Left on Red? Resistance to a new identity

Left on Red? Resistance to a new identity

Did you know there are times you can turn left on a red light?? When the "right on red" laws passed eons ago, I didn't remember learning this! PS - more recent drivers aren't taught this either! Left on red? Brake for horses? And what in the world is a...

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There are some who call me Tim

There are some who call me Tim

Met Tim, the 40' 15,000lb crocodile who dominated the playa While registering my art for placement during Burning Man this year, I had to wait for the next step. I sat on a bench with several people around me.  I introduced myself to the man sitting nearby, and...

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Finding Fun, the Adventure

Finding Fun, the Adventure

the story behind creating my first e-book Finding Fun: The Play Boo to move from “woe is me” to “WOW is me” – in 10 liberating steps

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Following her Hula Hoop Passion…

Following her Hula Hoop Passion…

How I Was Around Joy Before I Was "aRoundJoy" - by Geri McNiece Stacey says... My aRoundJoy hula hoop, in custom size & colors If you read The Hula Hoop Solution you know I recently I purchased a travel hula hoop from an entrepreneur who I met virtually through...

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The Hula Hoop Solution

The Hula Hoop Solution

If hula hoop is the solution, which question does it answer? Learn new things? Try new things? What exercise could be done that would be fun and be done while traveling cross country?  When I saw a woman, Geri, my age(ish) selling custom made hula hoops that come...

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